
A (Single Hand)
Videos for all tricks in this divisions should be posted by May 3rd.
- All tricks performed on first attempt receive 5 points. A successful second attempt, if necessary, receives 3 points.
- The yo-yo must be caught with one hand and not trapped against the body.
- If more than five inches of string remains outside the yo-yo when caught, it is considered a miss.
- All yo-yos must be able to at all times sleep a minimum of 3 seconds, the judge may request to test any yo-yo at any time.
- Any throw made while in the trick circle (or Box) counts as a try.
- Only the following tricks may be done while the contestant is on deck (on stage but outside the trick ring): Throwdown, spinner, forward pass, a single Loop the Loop, or string adjustments. Practicing a contest trick outside the circle or box once the contest starts shall count as a miss.
- While outside the trick box, yo-yo string can be adjusted manually, or replaced.
- If the contestents feet leaves the trick box during a trick, a miss is considered to have taken palce at that moment.
- Any yo-yo may be used for this division. The same yo-yo must be used for all tricks.
- The judge(s) decision is final and not subject to appeal.
1. |
Zipper (Mark McBrides version) (3 reps)
 Click for Video |
 Zipper |
2. |
Triple Trapeze Trapeze, regenerate into another Trapeze, regenerate into another trapeze. To be performed exactly as seen in video. No flip-overs, fly away dismount. Performing this trick is exactly how it looks, it just takes a lot of practice
 Click for Video |
 No Illustrations Available |
3. | Mach 5, Boing-E-Boing, Mach 5 Two Mach 5 revolutions, 3 Boing-E-Boings (back and forth counts as one Boing), then two full Mach 5 revolutions, dismount. To be performed exactly as seen in video.
 Click for Video |
 Mach 5
Boing-E-Boing |
4. | Kwijibo
 Click for Video |
 Kwijibo |
5. | Boomerang (w/ Chain Reaction to Atom Smasher
ending) 3 Boomerangs (last Boomerang comes back into a split bottom), chain reaction, Atom Smasher (two underpasses, two somersaults). To be performed exactly as seen in
 Click for Video |

Chain Reaction
Atom Smasher
6. |
Skin the Gerbil To be performed exactly as seen in video.
 Click for Video |
 Skin the Gerbil |
7. |
Pop n' Fresh 2 reps required, back and forth counts as one rep. To be performed exactly as seen in video.
 Click for Video |
 Pop n' Fresh |
8. |
Fountain 3 Hop the Fences, 3 Punching Bags, 3 Vertical Punching Bags. There are a total of 9, and only 9, punches (3 from each).
 Click for Video |
 Fountain |
9. |
Shoot the Moon Stalls (10 reps) Instructions for regular
(non-stall) Shoot the Moons may be found at Shawn's
Guide to Looping. View video to learn Shoot the Moon Stalls. 10 Reps
 Click for Video |
 No Instructions Available |
10. |
Warp Drive to Time Warp To be performed exactly as seen in video. Starts with a loop, Around the World, regeneration loop into another Around the World, regeneration punch (as in punching bags)
into reverse Around the World. Failure to start with a loop will cause your attempt to be counted as a miss.
 Click for Video |
 No Instructions Available |
Tie Breakers
1. |
Eli Hops (5 hops). 5 reps required. Height of each hop must contain a majority of the string (i.e., no baby hops). Must end in fly-away dismount. To be performed exactly as seen in video.
 Click for Video |
 Eli Hops |
2. |
Hop in the Bucket. (Eli hops in the bucket 3- hops) Essentially Eli Hops inside a "Drop in the Bucket."
 Click for Video |
 Hop in the Bucket |
3. |
Vertical Punch-Off (Vertical Punching Bags) You will do as many vertical punching bags (not loops) as you can. Because this is a tie breaker, the more you do, the better. The video depicts a way (not necessarily the
way) to start, three vertical punches, and a catch.
 Click for Video |
 Instructions |
The top 10 contestents will be able to do a 3 minute freestyle.
Click here to see the freestyle rules
We would like to take the time to thank the creators of Kens World on a String, Sector_Y and Shawns Guide to Looping for the use of their images/tricks/videos. This page was compiled by Citadel.
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