Frequently Asked Questions.
Updated 6/15/00 Updates are in Red
What is the world yo-yo contest?
The World Yo-Yo Contest is one of the largest yo-yo competitions of the year.
Where and when will it be this year?
It will be on July 8 - 9 2000 in Orlando, Florida at Universal Studios at Universal Orlando.
Where is there more information I can find about this event?
Go to for the latest information.
Is there any support for Non-English speakers?
There is a Japanese mirror of this page at The YYN
Who can compete?
Anyone from any country can compete. There are individual divisions that have age restrictions.
What divisions will there be?
There will be: S (Sport), A, AA, X, and Teams.
There may be more divisions added later, please check the web site for more information.
What divisions will hold world titles?
First place winners of the A, AA, and X divisions will be able to call themselves world champions. S division winners will not. Members of a first place team will be able to call themselves a member of the 2000 World champion Team, but as an individual are not World Champions.
What are the tricks?
These will be posted at around April 16th. Videos will go on line around April 30th. When they go up they will be under Rules.
Hey, it's after April 30th, and not all the videos are up, why?
Well we blew it. We really wanted to get them all up by now. We're sorry, we're really sorry ... Please have pity on us!
(we hope to have them up in a week or two)
The Team rules are not yet up, what gives?
Well these are proving harder to develop than we thought. There are not going to be 2 teams divisions, so they are being combined into one. As such the rules have to be made both more specific and more flexible. If you could enter into last years categories, you can enter into this years as well. You may only be in one Team.
Can I enter in a Team and another Division?
Yes. You can enter Teams and either A, AA, X, or S. You may enter only one solo category
When will the Finalists for the X division be posted?
They are posted right now, under Rules/X-Division
Is there a fee to enter?
Yes and no. There is no fee to enter, but there is park admission.
Universal Studios is really helping out contestants. They have decided that all pre-registered contestants will get into the park for free. Non-Contestants can get in with a large discount.
How much will I save by pre-registering?
If you are a contestant, you will save $90.05, if you are a non-contestant you will save $31.75.
When will pre-registration end?
Pre-Registraion will not end before June 30th. We hope to be able to continue it till July 4th, but we are not sure. At some point we will no longer be able mail credentials to participants, and they will have to pick them up on july 7th at the Delta Orlando Hotel.
If I register to compete, can I not compete on the day of the event?
No. You may change the division you are planning on entering, but you are obliged to enter a division.
What if I don't pre-register?
You will still be able to compete, but you will have to pay full park admission.
Why should I say at the Delta Orlando Resort?
Because it will be cool. The Delta Orlando Resort has given us a fantastic price for this hotel, and it's right across the street from Universal Studios. There is a shuttle bus to Universal, but if you had to, you could walk it. This means that unless you need to go elsewhere, there is no need to rent a car. The yo-yo players are going to take over the hotel. Early registration will also take place in the hotel.
I have not yet made a reservation with Delta Orlando Resort, can I still get the discount?
Yes, as long as there are still rooms at the hotel, you can still get the discount.
What if they sell out of rooms?
If the Orlando Delta sells out, they will help you get rooms at other hotels. Just call them. Mind you, you may need to arrange transportation to/from the park if you do not stay at the Orlando Delta.
What if I want to say longer than the event, will the hotel give me a discount?
Yes, the room discount is good on dates on either side of the event. Please click on Travel for details.
What about USAir? Why should I use them.
If you, or your travel agent call the special number given in the travel section, USAir will give you a discount off their lowest price. We're trying to make this event as much fun as possible, while keeping prices as low as possible.
I hear there is a top thing going on, what it is?
The First World Top Competition will be held this year at this event. Rules will be posted on as soon as they are available.
I want to volunteer to help for this event, can I?
Great! If we can use you, you will get in free!. Look at the credits page at to see what help we need.
What else will be happening at this event?
Workshops, World Record Breaking Attempts, Yo-Yo Swapping and even more. Now go at look at
Hey the dates look funny, what's up with that?
Welcome to the USA where we try and confuse non-natives with our dating system. Instead of the logical DAY/MONTH/YEAR we use MONTH/DAY/YEAR. This makes sense when viewed alongside our need to use the Imperial measurement systems, and our coinage, that does not have the numeral of it's value printed on it.
Hey not everything on this site works, why?
Because not everything is finished. Please come back and check regularly.
Will this FAQ be updated?
There seem to be spelling errors here?
Yes, There probably are.
You seem to be having fun with this FAQ, is it really that tough to write one of these?
Will this FAQ end soon?