
We would like to give thanks to the following volunteers
- Gregory Cohen - Director of the 2000 World Yo-Yo Contest.
- Bob Malowney - Director of Event Judging, Head Judge.
- Lisa Almeida - Director of Contestant Relations.
- David Brunner - Director of Event Security.
- Dick Stohr - Workshop Director.
- David Stucky (tarkin) - Assistant Workshop Director
- Shawna Stucky - Registration Staff.
- Lucky Meisenheimer - Director of Collectors Showcase.
- Gabriel Lozano (Citadel) - Director of on-line videos/Assistant web designer.
- Dale Myrberg - Judge/US National Master.
- Dennis McBride - Judge/US National Master.
- Bill DeBoisblanc - Judge/US National Master.
- Dale Oliver - Judge/US National Master.
- Harry Baier - Judge/German Master.
- Roland Damm - Judge/German Master.
- Hasegawa ( TAKA ) - Judge/Japan
- Jennifer Baybrook - Judge
- Rick Wyatt - Judge
- Jen Niles - S Division Manager
Would you like to help run the 2000 World Yo-Yo Contest? We need your help. We are looking for voulenteers of all skills.
- Experienced Compulsary Judges
- Support staff for judges, contestents, sound, registration, and security.
- Media Relations Director
- Director of Registration.
- Sponsorship Director.
All Judges and Directors must be over 18 years of age. Support staff can be of any age.
Remember, we all make an event.
Please contact Gregory Cohen for more information about volunteering.
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