Technical Execution (T.E.):

A "net score" for T.E. shall be granted each contestant based on the algebraic sum of the plus and minus scores as determined below.

+ Points:
Points granted for "advanced level" trick elements completed. Additional T.E. points may be granted for difficulty, originality, and transitions.

- Points:
Deductions may (Note that a deduction is not mandatory and a judge may decide not to deduct for a close try on a very difficult trick) be assessed for loss of control, obvious string hit misses, restarts, changing yo-yos that need to be restarted, off-string restarts or off-string yo-yo changeouts.

Net Score for Technical Execution is the algebraic sum of the + points and the - points

Technical Execution will count for 85% of the contestants total score.

Performance style:

A maximum of 25 points may be granted by each judge for performance style elements of a freestyle routine. Anything less than a Las Vegas quality performance would not score 25 points. A performance equal to the winners of the 1999 Nationals or Worlds would probably score no more than 18 or 20 points.

While performing an advanced level trick element, performance style points may be granted for elements such as but not limited to: 1) stage presence, 2) choreography, 3) amplitude, 4) elegance of control and line, 5) maturity of yo-yo maneuvers, 6) originality, 7) movement (and use of "yo-yo space" up, down, back and forth).

Crowd reaction to entertaining antics or other "elements of style" which are not occurring while performing an advanced level trick shall not add to the performance style points. As a guide the following scores ranges for performance style should be used by each judge.

  • Little or no style while yo-yoing 1-2 points
  • Some hint of style and maturity 3-4 points
  • A fair overall routine 5-7 points
  • A good overall routine 8-10 points
  • A very good overall routine 11-13 points
  • A World or National level performance 14-22 points
  • A Las Vegas level show stopper 23-25 points
Performance style will count for 15% of the contestants total score.

Final Score:

Points for Performance Style, and Technical Execution shall be independently normalized and added together to produce the contestants score.

In the case of a tie, ties will be broken based on 1. The Compulsory Score, 2. The Technical Execution score, 3. The Performance style points. In the extremely unlikely event that there is still a tie, the judges have the ability to devise an appropriate tie breaker, or can declare a tie.

Music Rules:

Music must be appropriate to a public competition. If you think your music may be inappropriate (obscene lyrics, offensive lyrics, etc.), you may have the Director of Judging or the Assistant Director of Judging listen to it to make sure it is ok. Contestants with inappropriate music choices will be disqualified.

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