
To help you out, we have added a specific FAQ file to help with you AA
division tricks
Compulsory rules for AA at the 2001 world yo-yo contest.
All tricks successfully performed on first attempt receive 5 points. A
successful second attempt receives 3 points.
The yo-yos must be caught cleanly with one hand each and not trapped
against the body.
If more than five inches of string remains outside either or both yo-yos
when caught, it is considered a miss.
All yo-yos must be able to at all times sleep a minimum of 3 seconds, the
judge may request to test any yo-yo at any time.
A trick box will be drawn with tape, ink or other means. The box is the
space inside the line or tape and does not include the thickness of the
line or tape.
Any throws made while in the trick box counts as a try.
All tricks must be done while the contestant is standing with both feet in
the trick box. Any throw while standing outside the box will not count as
an attempt.
Only the following tricks may be done while the contestant is on deck as
the current contestant (on stage but outside the trick box): Throwdown,
spinner, forward pass, a single Loop the Loop, or string adjustments.
Practicing a contest trick or performing tricks other than those
specifically allowed outside the trick box while on deck as the current
contestant shall count as a miss.
While outside the trick box, yo-yo string can be adjusted manually, or
re-looped. Unintentionally broken or knotted strings may be replaced.
If the contestant's feet (both) leave the trick box during a trick, a miss
is considered to have taken place at that moment.
Any yo-yos may be used for this division. The same yo-yos must be used for
all tricks.
Shortening the string by winding it around a hand, finger, bunching it up
in one's hand, or by other techniques that intend to shorten the string
substantially for the purpose of making the tricks easier will not be
allowed. All tricks must be performed using the full length of the
Additional reps of a trick will be allowed as long as the tricks
completion is clean. This will allow you to loop an extra time or two to
insure you have counted the reps of a trick properly.
The judge(s) decision is final.
All judging will be done live, video replay will not used.
Any contestant that is not being judged who interrupts or interferes with
another contestants performance can be disqualified.
AA Tricks : 2001 World Yo-Yo Contest.
1. Outside Criss-Crossing Loops
demonstrated by Felix Avellana
2 Handed Outside Criss Crossing Loops (20 reps) The first Loops with each hand must be
Outside Loops. The yo-yos trajectories must cross on the first Loops and must stay crossed for
all 20 repetitions. Slight corkscrewing of the yo-yos will be allowed providing the Loops stay in
well-formed and consistent trajectories.
2. Spread Eagle Warp Drive
demonstrated by Patrick Mitchell
Spread Eagle Warp Drive (5 reps) Each hand ust start with a side loop regeneration into an
Around the World followed by four more side loop regenerations into an Around the World. The
Around the World trajectories must cross, behind the back, on all five repetitions. The yo-yos
must be caught after the fifth Around the World with each hand. If a contestant throws an
additional loop with either hand, before the catch, it will be considered a miss.
3. Criss-Cross Loops with Transitions to Vertical Punches and Milk the Cow
demonstrated by Patrick Mitchell
Criss- Cross Loops with Transitions to Vertical Punches and Milk the Cow: Start with at least
five Criss-Cross Loops, then punch to retro half-world transitions up into at least 5 Vertical
Punches, then punch down through the Punching Bag position into at least five Milk The Cows.
4. Sword and Shield
demonstrated by Eugene Han
Sword and Shield This trick must start with an Around the World and end after at least five
Around the Worlds. The Loops must start during the first Around the World and at least one
Loop must pass through the trajectory of each of the first five Around the Worlds.
5. Criss-Crossing Punching Bags
demonstrated by Felix Avellana
Criss Crossing Punching Bag (15 Reps) The yo-yo trajectories must cross on the first Punches
and must stay crossed for all 15 repetitions. Starting with the first Punches, the yo-yo
trajectories must be above 45 degrees and below 135 degrees as measured from an
imaginary vertical line from the player hand to the ground. In other words, you must start with
"legal" crossing Punching Bags with each hand and stay "legal" and crossed for all 15
repetitions. In addition, a yo-yo may not turn over on its side more than 45 degrees from a
vertical plane.
6. Windshield Wipers
demonstrated by Patrick Mitchell
Windshield Wipers (5 reps) - Jon Gates version: Simultaneously, starting from either the right
or left side, a Breakaway is thrown with one hand while a Reverse Breakaway is thrown with the
other hand. When the yo-yos get to the other side they are simultaneously regenerated into
another Breakaway (or Reverse Breakaway.) This cycle constitutes one repetition. Continue to
regenerate these simultaneous "Breakaways" eight more times to complete the five repetitions.
Slight breaks in the simultaneous timing of the Breakaways will be acceptable.
7. Inside/Outside Vertical Punches
demonstrated by Patrick Mitchell
Inside/Outside Vertical Punches (10 reps): You can start by throwing the yo-yos directly upward
into Inside Vertical Punches or you may start them from a Forward Pass/Reach for the Moon
start. You may do one or more Inside Vertical Punches with each hand but as soon as one
Outside Vertical Punch is thrown the second hand must also start alternating Inside/Outside
Vertical Punches until 10 repetitions are complete. Each repetition consists of one Inside
Vertical Punch and one Outside Vertical Punch. Therefore each hand is performing 10 Inside
Vertical Punches and 10 Outside Vertical Punches. The count will be made on the second hand
after each Outside Vertical Punch.
8. Combined Inside/Outside Reach for the Moons
demonstrated by Patrick Mitchell
Please Note that the above video only shows 5 repetitions
of the trick as opposed to the required 10 for the contest.
Combined Inside/Outside Reach for the Moon (10 reps): Similar to two-hand Reach for the
Moon, however the yo-yos must alternate from inside of each throw hand on the upward vertical
tosses to the outside of each throw hand on the downward trajectory. As the yo-yo descends it
is thrown out and upward with an Outside Loop to complete the first repetition. As the yo-yo
returns a second inside upward toss is made as in a standard Reach for the Moon and again
as the yo-yo descends it is thrown out and upward with an Outside Loop to complete the
second repetition. The count will be made on the second hand after each Outside Loop.
9. Behind the Back Cattle Crossing
demonstrated by Felix Avellana
Please Note that the above video only shows 5 repetitions
Behind the Back Cattle Crossing (10 Reps) Yo-Yo trajectories may start crossed or uncrossed.
The count starts when the yo-yo trajectories start to cross behind the back. Once the yo-yo
trajectories cross, they must stay crossed during all 10 repetitions. The yo-yos may be caught
behind the back or brought back to the front or side before catching. However, during the trick
and prior to the catch, all of the "Hop the Fences" with each hand must be "Inside" Hop the
Fences and none may be "Outside" Hop the Fences.
10. Staircase
demonstrated by Kalani Bergdorf
Staircase (also called Tornado and Circular Fountain) Starts with 2-handed Milk the Cow to one
side and works it's way up to Vertical Punches while the player rotates 360 degrees1 ending
with 3 full Vertical Punches after both feet are planted. In other words, the player starts facing
forward, and ends up facing forward after one complete revolution. The trick ends when the
player has completed 3 repetitions of Vertical Punches after his feet are firmly planted. The
yo-yo trajectories must be near horizontal at 180 degrees and fully vertical at 360 degrees.
Once the player has started the 360-degree turn they can not stop the turning until the full
revolution is completed. The player should attempt to stay in the trick box but will not be
penalized if they do step out during or after the turn.
AA Tiebreakers
In the event of a tie, the tie will be broken using the following
- Double Staircase: After performing the 3 full Vertical Punches of the
first Staircase punch down through the Punching Bag position into Milk The
Cow and continue into a second Staircase in the reverse direction of
rotation ending with 3 full Vertical Punches after rotating 360 degrees
and after feet are firmly planted.
If two or more tied contestants miss Tiebreaker #1, the trick will be
repeated. If the tied contestants miss on the second attempt Tiebreaker
#2 will be used to break the tie.
- Cross-handed Staircase: Same as Staircase, except must start with a
Cross-handed Milk the Cow and must keep hands crossed for the entire trick
ending with 3 overhead Cross-handed Vertical Punches.
If two or more tied contestants miss Tiebreaker #2, the trick will be
repeated. If the tied contestants miss on the second attempt Tiebreaker #3
will be used to break the tie.
- If a tie remains, we will repeat tricks #7 through trick #9 increasing
the reps by and additional five (5) until the freestyle finalists are
determined. If the tied contestants miss on the second attempt the
one(s) completing the most repetitions successfully will continue in the
tiebreaker as necessary.
The contestants who score in the top 10 places of the compulsory
competition and National Winners will compete in a 3 minute freestyle.
Full rules for the freestyle are Here