Updated 5/07/05

Site em PortuguÊs

Quick Info List
  • Videos due by September 30th

  • All footage to be shot from July 15th to August 5th

  • 3 minutes (no longer than 5)

2005 World Yo-Yo Contest Rules
The 2005 Worlds Video contest is not a contest of videos you have already made, but instead a contest about making the best clip video of the 2005 World Yo-Yo Contest. All footage for this clip video must be shot between July 15th and August 5th, 2005. The final video is due by September 30th. The video should be about 3 minutes long (no longer than 5 minutes please) and synchronized to music. It must be of a nature that makes it appropriate to show in public. We will need a compressed version in about 320x240 resolution to be displayed on the internet (We will provide hosting servers) and you should, if at all possible dump the high resolution video back to your video camera, or store it in transmission quality as the winners video may at the discretion of the judges be included on the 2005 Worlds Video Tape. If the resolution is too low, the winner is still eligible for this contest, but won't be included in the tape.

The winner will get a worlds medal, free admission to the 2006 World Yo-Yo Contest, and possible inclusion in the annual event VHS tape.

People who are interested in entering should contact greg@pd.net after August 10th and before September 20th for uploading information.