Beginning Workshops


[11:am Friday room 1 and 11am Thursday Room 1] Beginners Yo-yoing  -  Jimmy Johnson

[1 pm thursday room 1] Beginners 2A - Dale Myrberg

[11:30 Thursday Room 1] Beginners 3A - Tim Simco

[Sat 11AM Room 1 ]Beginners 4A - TBA

[Sat 1:30 pm Room 1]  Beginners 5A Jack Ringca

[Thrusday 2 room 1] Beginning Top Throwing - Jorge Alcoz/Dave Bazan

[12:30 Friday Room 1] Throw dough - The art of pizza dough spinning.

[1pm Friday 3pm Saturday] Beginning Juggling - Nick Civitello



Modding and Building

[Thursday 12 Room 2]Modding with hand tools - Takeshi

Using simple easy to get tools such as dremels, Takeshi will teach modding techniques


[Friday 11am Room 2] Beginning Wood Turning - Rob Tsou

Learn the basics of working with a Wood Lathe. Learn the skills that will later teach you how to mod.


[Sat 11:30am Room 2] Beginning Metal Turning - Rob Tsou

Learn the basics of working with a Metal Lathe.


[Sat 1pm Room 2]Modding with a wood lathe - Rob Tsou

Learn how to select, and use a wood lathe for both turining and modding yo-yos.


[Saturday 1:30pm Room 2]Moddling with metal lathe - Rob Tsou

How to set up and use a metal lathe for modding yo-yos and milling custom parts.


[Thursday  3pm Room 2] Dying to dye - Seth peterson and Dave Poyzer

Change your yo-yos color to fit your mood. Please note, this workshop takes place in a special room with a sink and a kitchen.


[Friday 3pm Room 2 ] The Iron Chef of Yo-Yoing

Two teams, secret ingredient yo-yo theme. Takeshi and Seth Peterson vs Rob Tsou and Kyle Weems turned loose on a workshop to mod three yo-yos from a secret ingredient to be announced when the battle begins. Find out who's mod reigns supreme.


[Saturday 2:30pm Room 2] How to design yo-yos

A moderated panel discussion about designing and making metal yo-yos. Listen to Kyle Weems (Phi), Cristoph Kayatz (G&E), Carlo Menon (Oxy 4), Frank Difeo (Dif-e-yo) and Kiya (Fluchs).


[Friday 2pm Room 2] Tuning yo-yos.

How to increase performance of yo-yos without any tools. Learn to clean bearings, cut pogs and friction stickers and how to swap parts to make your yo-yo sleep or loop better. Johnnie DelValle



[Thursday  2pm Room 2] Fixed Axle Breakout - Jack Ringca

[Friday 11:30 Room 1]1A Breakout - Mark Montgomary

[Sat 12:30 room 1]2A Breakout - Jen Baybrook

[Thursday 12 Room 2] 3A Breakout - Tim Simco

[Sat 11:30 Room 1] 4A Breakout  - Jack Ringca

[Sat 2Pm Room 1] 5A Breakout - Jack Ringca

[Thursday 2:30 Room 1] Top breakout - Jorge Alcoz/Dave Bazan

[Thursday 3:30 Room 1]Diabolo Breakout - Dale Oliver


Theoretical Yo-Yoing

[Thursday 2:30 pm room 2] Making clip videos - How to produce a clip video from a technical end. Importing video, editing and compression for upload is covered in this class.


[1pm thursday Room 2] Shooting yo-yo videos - Mark McBride will cover ways to improve your video shooting of yo-yo videos.


[Saturday 12:30 Room 2]  - A round table on how to run and organize a basic yo-yo contest.


[11am Saturday Room 2] Collecting yo-yos - While it's not the stock market, yo-yo collections do go up in value. Find out how from collection expert Dr. Lucky Mesenhiemer


[Friday 3pm workshop room 1] Demoing yo-yoing in schools.

How to do school programs by Dale Oliver and Rich Rains Sat 1PM  > Friday


[Friday 2pm workshop room 1] Performing for Groups - Professional performer Mark Hayward will lead a class on performing in front of an audience. He will cover how to create material and how to present it.




[3:30 Firday Room 1] The magic of grinds - Andre Boulé

From finger to arm grinds, this workshop will teach you the basics, and go into the ridiculously advanced.


[3:30 Thursday Room 1] Rapping about wraps.

Two handed wraps from beginner to advanced. Learn teach trade, Lead by Pat Mitchell



Special Meetings

[11am Friday and Saturday Special Room] Coffee for yo-yo parents and spouses - Sarah Cohen will host a coffee

hour for non-yo-yoing parents and spouses. Ask for directions at the registration booth.


[Thursday 3pm Room 2]World yo-yo Associations meeting. - We are hoping to have a round table on the World Yo-Yo Contest with a representative from every recognized contest around the world.


[Friday 12:30 Special Room] National Yo-Yo League Meeting - A meeting of people who run or are interested in the contests of the National Yo-Yo league. Regional and state organizers please come to this meeting.


[Thursday 2pm Room 2] Advance and Promote yo-yoing. - A Workshop and open discussion for parents of yo-yo players to discuss the future of the sport. - Mrs. Montgomanry