![]() Updated 7/15/05
Quick Info List
2005 World Yo-Yo Contest One Handed (1A) Trick
List Read trick descriptions carefully.
All tricks are to be performed as described in the text and accompanying
video (if available). Significant loss of control of the yo-yo will
not be allowed. This round allows one attempt of each trick for five
points, a second attempt (if necessary) for three points. Compulsory
score is the total of the points scored on the ten tricks. Top scoring
players advance to the final freestyle.
Please note: Bind returns are allowed for all tricks [Update] At each trick station all tricks must be performed using the same yo-yo (or same set of yo-yos for 2A &3A). You may change yo-yo(s) between each trick station. Special Thanks to Arron Sparks and Luke Roberts from the UK for compiling these videos
1. Three Seven: [VIDEO] Start with a "Split Bottom" mount. Go directly into a "Mach 5" hold by performing two underpasses with your Freehand index finger. Now perform seven (7) Pops (as in 3 & ½ reps of Pop n? Fresh). The seventh Pop will leave you in position to go directly into "Boing-E-Boing". Perform seven (7) reps of Boing-E-Boing (back and forth counts as one rep). Now go directly back into a "Mach 5" hold by performing two underpasses with your Freehand index finger, then perform seven (7) full "Mach 5" revolutions, unwind to a "Skin the Cat" hold and lower to a sleeper. Return yo-yo to your hand using the method of your choice. 2. Kamikaze: [VIDEO] Throw a "Houdini Drop" double or nothing hold using the thumb and index finger of your Freehand. Pop yo-yo upwards towards the top string segment and let the string segment drop off of your thumb simultaneously. The string should hit the underside of the top string and drop into a Side-style Mach 5 hold.
Roll the yo-yo over your Throwhand index finger. Now with your Freehand index finger hook and pull the front string segment towards your body while letting the inside segment fall of your Freehand index finger. Now pop the yo-yo in front of the strings and land it on top of all the strings. At this point, or during the previous hop, you can untwist the string segment held on your Freehand index finger. Roll the yo-yo over your Freehand index finger and you will be in a Trapeze hold. Next perform a Magic Drop as in Shock Wave. Now pop the yo-yo upward and hit the bottom of top string and let the yo-yo roll over your Throwhand index finger. Next reverse the direction of the roll and miss all strings. Let the yo-yo continue a second roll and land of the top string (furthest from your body). Reverse the direction of the roll and hit the bottom of the top string letting the yo-yo roll over your Throwhand index finger. Now reverse the direction of the roll one last time and release the string segment from your Freehand index finger and land the yo-yo on the bottom string in a Trapeze hold. Return the yo-yo to your hand by the method of your choice. 3. Shock Wave (5 reps): [VIDEO] Trapeze mount. Next press your Throwhand thumb and index finger together forming a "V" over the string, and wrap the string under your thumb and over the outside of your index finger by rolling your wrist towards your body. Now perform a "Magic Drop" by opening the "V' as you let the yo-yo roll down the string under and over your Throwhand index finger onto the string segment nearest your body. You will now be holding the yo-yo in a modified trapeze mount with the string going over your thumb and Throwhand and with your index fingers spreading the string segments of the trapeze. Now, while making sure not to drop the string off your Throwhand index finger, let the yo-yo roll back down the string under and over your Freehand index finger landing on the string nearest your body. Now let the string drop off your Throwhand index finger and also let the outer segment drop off your Freehand index finger. You should now be back in a trapeze hold, perform 4 more reps. Return yo-yo to your hand using the method of your choice. 4. Suicide Catch (5 reps): [VIDEO] Trapeze mount, perform five Suicide catches back into Trapeze hold. Return yo-yo to your hand using the method of your choice. All Suicide throws must be from a Trapeze hold under & over the Throwhand and must be caught on the index finger only of the Freehand. 5. Throwhand Grind: [VIDEO] Trapeze mount, reverse pinwheel off trapeze into a grind on top of the Throwhand, slide the yo-yo back onto the string into a Trapeze hold. Perform 1 somersault, in the same direction as the pinwheel, letting the momentum of the somersault toss the yo-yo onto the top of the Throwhand into a second grind. Slide yo-yo off the top of the Throwhand onto the string back into a Trapeze hold. Return yo-yo to your hand using the method of your choice. 6. Alternating Eli Hop (4 hops): [VIDEO] Start with Trapeze mount and perform a one standard Eli Hop catching the yo-yo in front of your wrist, then perform a second Eli Hop catching the yo-yo behind your wrist, return the yo-yo to in front of your wrist and perform another hop in front of your wrist and another hop behind your wrist. Hands must touch during each of the 4 hops. Return yo-yo to your hand using the method of your choice. 7. Slack Trapeze (3 reps): [VIDEO] Throw a Trapeze. Pop the yo-yo off the Trapeze, and pinch the string between the fingers of your Freehand. With the Throwhand, throw the string over the Freehand arm, forming a "U", and allow the part of the "U" furthest from you to mount itself onto the yo-yo. Swing the yo-yo clockwise over the Freehand and Throwhand, and you will be back in Trapeze. From the Trapeze hold complete 2 more reps. Return yo-yo to your hand using the method of your choice. 8. Spirit Bomb with "Cheese Whip" Mount: [VIDEO] Throw a Trapeze, and then perform a "Cheese Whip" by throwing a slack loop under and over your Freehand, catching the loop over your Throwhand. Now swing the yo-yo over your Freehand index finger and on to the string segment that is centered under your catching hand, landing the yo-yo into a wrist-bucket mount. Pull your Freehand out of the hold so the yo-yo is hanging in the mount over your Throwhand. Now perform a double pass-under with Freehand index finger, Pop yo-yo up, bring Throwhand under and catch yo-yo on outermost string segment, Pop yo-yo up, uncross arms, and catch yo-yo over Freehand index finger back into Wrist-bucket Mount (Note that the yo-yo has to pass through the triangle formed over your Throwhand and land on bottom string segment), perform two pass-unders with Freehand index finger onto back string segment and pull into Trapeze hold. Return yo-yo to your hand using the method of your choice.
9. Black Hop: [VIDEO] Start with Triple or Nothing mount over both index fingers (note that you can not throw the Triple or Nothing over your thumbs or other fingers to spread the strings apart), hop down to Trapeze in 4 hops then back to a hold similar (but not quite) to a Triple or Nothing in 4 hops (more like undercuts). After all 8 hops pull your Throwhand index finger out of the hold and rotate the Yo-Yo 2 revolutions into a Trapeze hold. Return yo-yo to your hand using the method of your choice. 10. Iron Whip (3 rep minimum...Combined Tiebreaker): [VIDEO] Successfully complete 3 reps for 5 points continue and complete as many reps as you can on one throw for use as first tiebreaker. Each non-ceded contestant will try this trick twice regardless of how many reps they complete on the first try for use as the second tiebreaker. If first attempt is missed, completion of 3 or more reps on the second try gets 3 points. Complete as many reps as you can on this throw for use as second tiebreaker. Note that seeded players do not have to perform more than 3 reps and don't need to try this trick a second time if they are successful on their first attempt.