![]() Updated 6/29/04
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2004 World Yo-Yo Contest Off String (OS,4A) Yo-Yos not attached to the string, Trick List
Read trick descriptions carefully. All tricks are to be performed as described in the text and accompanying video (if available). Significant loss of control of either yo-yo will not be allowed. This round allows one attempt of each trick for five points, a second attempt (if necessary) for three points. Compulsory score is the total of the points scored on the ten tricks. Top scoring players advance to the final freestyle.
Please note: Bind returns are allowed for all tricks
1. Grind & whip: [VIDEO]
Throw a foreward pass mount. create a loop of string with your throw hand. Toss the yoyo in the air and grind on the pointer finger of your freehand. Toss the yoyo into the air and perform a whip catch. Return to hand in any way.
2. 1 handed Regeneration (Eiji's OS Regeneration): [VIDEO]
Perform a one handed launch by releasing the yoyo and tugging the string to launch it straight up. Drape the string over your shoulder or bicep. Catch the yoyo on the string and allow it to begin a return. Regenerate the spin by perfroming a loop the loop motion. Catch the yoyo in a foreward pass mount and return to hand in any way.
3. Around the leg orbits (5 reps): [VIDEO]
Throw a foreward pass mount across your body. Place your leg over the string and toss from one side to the other(inside to outside or outside to inside is ok). Perform 5 reps and return to hand in any way.
4. Infinite Star (5 times around each finger): [VIDEO]
Throw a foreward pass mount across your body and create a solid loop w/ your throw hand. Create a "rolling star" mount in any way. Orbit the yoyo around the segment on one pointer finger and continue around the opposite pointer in a figure eight(or infinity) motion. Repeat the orbits 5 times and return to your hand in any way.
5. Sen Poppin (3 reps): [VIDEO]
Throw a foreward pass mount and create a loop w/ your throw hand. Toss the yoyo up, hitting the top string and switch the position of your hands(front to back and vice versa). Toss the yoyo up hitting the top string and switch the position of your hands back to their original place. Complete 5 reps of this(one rep = 2 hops). Return the yoyo to your hand in any way.
6. Flop (Hiro Ver.): [VIDEO]
Throw a foreward pass mount and create a loop w/ your throw hand. Toss the yoyo up and catch it on the other segment. This should put the yoyo between the segments and create a twist in the string. Spread the segments, pull the strings and tilt your hands to the throw side to flop the yoyo 180 degrees. Return the yoyo to your hand in any way.
7. Rising Boingy(5 horizontal boingy boingy to 5 vertical boingy boingy): [VIDEO]
Throw a foreward pass mount and create a loop of string with your throw hand. Throw the yoyo directly into horizontal boingy boingy and perform a minimum of 5 reps(two bounces is one rep). Continue to boingy and rise the boing into a vertical boing. perform a minimum of 5 reps of vertical boingy boingy(one up bounce and one down bounce is one rep). return the yoyo to your hand in any way.
8. OS Regeneration Combo(foreward pass mount to bottom mount to foreward pass mount to shoot the moon regen): [Video coming soon]
Throw a foreward pass mount. Begin to return the yoyo and regenerate the spin into a bottom mount with a hop the fence motion. Begin to return the yoyo and regenerate the spin w/ a loop the loop motion. Create a solid loop of string with your throw hand. Begin a one handed return of the yoyo and regenerate the spin w/ a shoot the moon motion. Return the yoyo to your hand in any way.
9. Three Whip Catches on One Throw(upstroke, regular and behind the back): [VIDEO]
Throw a foreward pass mount. Toss the yoyo up and perfrom a whip catch by whipping the string in an upward swing. Toss the yoyo up and perform a regular whip catch in a downward swing. Toss the yoyo up and perform any whip catch behind your back. Perform these three whips in any order. Return the yoyo to your hand in any way.r
10. Head Bounce to Whip Catch: [VIDEO]
Throw a foreward pass mount and create a loop of string with your throw hand. Toss the yoyo up and perform a head bounce(soccer style). Catch the yoyo with a whip catch. Return the yoyo to your hand in any way.
Tiereaker: OS Regeneration (FPR to BTM to FPM continuously)