To help make these trick descriptions as clear as possible, we are
numbering the yo-yos. The yo-yo thrown first it becomes yo-yo #1 in the
description. If both yo-yos are thrown simultaneously, the first yo-yo to
do a distinct trick element is designated yo-yo #1.
If after all the required trick elements are completed, the two strings
are tangled or twisted, you may fix the tangle while the yo-yo are still
sleeping, and then catch the yo-yos.
| Assisted Brain Twister (3 rep) |
| [See MPG4
Throw a sleeper with yo-yo #1, shorten the string to desired length by
wrapping the string around Throwhand #1 and pinch string between thumb and
index finger and hold yo-yo. Throw a sleeper with yo-yo #2 and perform a
bottom mount (or a front mount) around yo-yo #1.
Now perform 3 or more somersaults with both yo-yos rotating around the
index finger of Throwhand #1. Next dismount yo-yo #2 off of yo-yo #1 with
a reverse bottom mount back into a sleeper. Drop yo-yo #1 off Throwhand
#1 back into a sleeper and catch both yo-yos.
| Velvet Roll (3 rep) |
[See MPG4
Video] |
Throw sleepers with yo-yos #1 and #2. Perform a front mount with yo-yo #1
over Throwhand #2 index finger and a front mount with yo-yo #2 over
Throwhand #1 index finger.
Now simultaneously perform 3 or more reverse somersaults (velvet rolls)
with both yo-yos. Now reverse the rotation and dismount both yo-yos from
the front mounts back into sleepers and catch both yo-yos.
| 2-hand Dizzy Baby (3 pinwheel) |
[See MPG4
Throw sleepers with yo-yos #1 and #2. Shorten the string of yo-yo #1 to
desired length by wrapping the string around Throwhand #1. Now form a
cradle with Throwhand #2 around Throwhand #1 and pinch both yo-yos strings
together with Throwhand #2 and perform 3 or more pinwheels with both
yo-yos simultaneously through the cradle. Drop both yo-yos out of the
cradle back into sleepers and catch both yo-yos. |
| Boomerang (Trapeze, 3 rep, Trapeze) |
[See MPG4
Video] |
Throw yo-yo #1 into a sideways sleeper with a breakaway type toss. Now
throw a Trapeze with yo-yo #2 over the thumb of Throwhand #1. Toss yo-yo
#2 out of the Trapeze and over the top of Throwhand #1 and hit the string
of yo-yo #1. As yo-yo #2 bounces off the string of yo-yo #1 that will be
the first rep of boomerang.
Perform 3 or more reps of boomerang with yo-yo #2 by bouncing it off of
the string of yo-yo #1. Then remount yo-yo #2 back into the trapeze over
the thumb of Throwhand #1. Dismount yo-yo #2 out of the Trapeze down to a
sleeper and catch both yo-yos.
| Gun Slinger (3 rep, 3 reverse) |
[See MPG4
Video] |
Throw sleepers with yo-yos #1 and #2. Do a bottom mount (or a split
bottom mount) with yo-yo #1, over index finger of Throwhand #2, and place
the loop segment over the index finger of Throwhand #1, now do a bottom
mount (or a split bottom mount) with yo-yo #2, over index finger of
Throwhand #1, and place the loop segment over the index finger of
Throwhand #2.
Now swing both yo-yos toward your body and rotate them over your index
fingers. Perform 3 or more reps of these "mini" Around The Worlds
with each yo-yo simultaneously. Then do 3 or more reverse "mini"
Around The Worlds with each yo-yo and drop both yo-yos to sleepers and
catch both yo-yos. This trick is also called "six-shoot" when done
with one hand.
| Blue Line Roll (3 rep) |
[See MPG4
Video] |
Throw sleepers with yo-yos #1 and #2. Cross Throwhand #1 over Throwhand
#2 and perform a split bottom mount with yo-yo#1 over the top of Throwhand
#2. (Note that you may also start the trick by throwing cross-handed
sleepers as shown at the following Glasslab link:
Now pull the string of yo-yo#1 off of Throwhand #2 so the split bottom
mount is now being held on the string of yo-yo#2. (If you wish, you may
grab all three string segments of the split bottom mount with Throwhand #1
and squeeze them into the groove of yo-yo#1. This will stabilize yo-yo#1
and prevent it from gyro flopping while the next mount is performed.) Now
with yo-yo #2 perform a split bottom mount using the string of yo-yo #1
and the index finger of Throwhand #2. Now start 3 rolls with Throwhand #2
going up and Throwhand #1 going down. After 3 or more reps reverse the
rotation of the rolls and dismount the yo-yos of the strings and down into
sleepers and catch the yo-yos.
| 2-hand Plastic Whip (at the same time)) |
[See MPG4
Video] |
Simultaneously throw yo-yos #1 and 2 into sideways sleepers with breakaway
type tosses. Now, perform simultaneous lacerations with each hand
catching each yo-yo in a one-hand trapeze hold over your thumb or index
finger. Simultaneously drop the strings off the fingers (or thumbs) back
into sleepers and catch the yo-yos. |
| Kink Fu |
[See MPG4
Video] |
Throw yo-yo #1 into a sideways sleeper. Now throw a breakaway with yo-yo
#2 behind (or in front) and past the string of yo-yo #1. Catch the string
of yo-yo #2 with Throwhand #1 as it goes past the string of yo-yo #1 and
let yo-yo #2 swing back in front of the string of yo-yo #1. Then catch
yo-yo #2 with Throwhand #2. The strings of the yo-yos will now be
Now perform a sideways split bottom type mount with yo-yo #1 over the
index finger of Throwhand #1. Next perform a Trapeze type mount (In *1,
if it is a Trapeze type mount, you perform a sideways split bottom type
mount) with yo-yo #2 over the index finger of Throwhand #2. Note that you
can do the Trapeze mount first and then the sideways split bottom mount if
you wish. .
Now perform a side ways roll and cross the arm of Throwhand #2 over the
arm of Throwhand #1 reverse the roll back to the original hold. Now
perform another side ways roll and cross the arm of Throwhand #1 over the
arm of Throwhand #2 reverse the roll back to the original hold. Note that
you may reverse the order or the rolls if you so desire. .
Dismount yo-yo #2 from the Trapeze without dropping any string segments
and drop (or dismount), yo-yo #1 from its hold to a sleeper. Now swing
and drop yo-yo #2 in front of the string of yo-yo #1 so that it will
untwist the yo-yos strings and catch the yo-yos. .
| Buckets O Kink |
[See MPG4
Video] |
Throw yo-yo #1 into a sideways sleeper. Now throw a breakaway with yo-yo
#2. And cross yo-yo #2 with string of yo-yo #1 from behind (or in front).
Then pinch (grab) string of yo-yo #2 with throwhand #2. When the yo-yo #2
swings back catch string with Throwhand # 2 palm up, across Throwhand #2
and then pinch the string.
Use the following Glasslab link to follow the rest of the trick
Pull the blue string out (the red string will already be wrapped around
it). You want to pull it out about 4 inches short of the half-way mark.
Pick up the string of yo-yo #1 with Throwhand #1, palm up. At this time,
the string running over palm should be between thumb and index finger.
Put thumb under the string between the crossing point of strings #1 and
#2, and the middle finger, and pull and spread. Do simultaneous Bucket
Mounts onto the inner string segments. To get out, flip the yo-yos out,
remove thumbs, untwist the strings and catch the yo-yos.
| 2-hand Trapeze |
[See MPG4
Video] |
Simultaneously throw breakaways with both hands and land each yo-yo in a
trapeze mount. Dismount the yo-yos up and over the index fingers back
into sleepers and catch the yo-yos.
| Tiereaker: 2-hand Trapeze
(continuously) |
Same as #10
The top 5 placing contestants in this division will compete in a judged
freestyle to decide final ranking. The freestyle rules will be posted