Updated 7/14/05

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2007 World Yo-Yo Contest Mod Contest.
A contest for the best modified or home-made yo-yo
    • All entries must be submitted for judging at the event no later than 1:00 PM Thursday, August 3, 2007; Entries should be turned in at the registration desk;
    • Only one (1) entry per person, and the entry must have been modded/made by one person;
    • Entries may be by proxy (Someone else can bring your yo-yo, you need not be at the world yo-yo contest to enter; however the person entering the yo-yo on your behalf must be familiar enough with the yo-yo and it's maker/modder to answer basic questions about the yo-yo);
    • All entries must be in a small bag or box and have the name, address, and e-mail if available of the person entering;
    • Written descriptions detailing the features of the yo-yo are encouraged (if the judges can't figure out what you've created, or all the important aspects thereof, it's your fault, not the judges');
    • The judging/scoring will be on a 0 to 100 point scale (with 100 points being the highest possible score per judge).

      The criteria will be as follows:

      • Innovation and creativity (including creative use of materials) = 0 - 30 points
      • Quality, fit & finish, and visual & artistic appeal = 0 - 40 points
      • "Playability" = 0 - 30 point
    * This year, awards will be given for the best home made/scratch built entry, the best modded yo-yo (approximately 75 percent of parts must come from existing production yoyos), and an overall winner.

    Judges: Eric Wolff, Dave Schulte, Bill De Boisblanc, Alan Gray and a player(s) to be named later......