Q: What do you mean by "no string shortening somersaults allowed?"
A: That means you cannot do any extra elements following the "split bottom mount" before getting into the MACH 5 hold.
Q: How do I go "directly into a Mach 5 hold?
A: From the split bottom mount the "Free Hand" index finger passes under the yo-yo and continues over the index finger of the "Throw Hand." At that point you are in the MACH 5 hold and ready to start the three (3) MACH 5 revolutions.
Q: What if while Im doing the 5 Boing-E-Boings the yo-yo misses a string and pops out, can I put the yo-yo back between the strings and finish the 5 Boing-E-Boings?
A: No. That would be considered as missed trick. The 5 Boing-E-Boings must be performed continuously without missing the front string or the back string.
Q: Can I do an extra MACH 5 revolution before starting the 5 Boing-E-Boings?
A: Yes, but it is highly recommended that you avoid doing the extra revolution since it will make the trick much harder to complete before the yo-yo runs out of spin.