1. Boomerang (w/ Chain Reaction to Atom Smasher ending)

Q: Can I do an extra Brain Twister before I start the Boomerangs?

A: Yes, in general you can do additional reps of a trick element. On Boomerang you could also do extra Boomerangs or an extra somersaults if you so desire.

Q: What if my yo-yo stalls and does not loop while performing the "Skin the Cat" dismount, is this OK?

A: No, the "Skin the Cat" dismount requires that you end the trick with a loop. If you try to do the loop and the yo-yo drops down into a sleeper or pops back up without looping it will be considered a miss.

Q: Looking at the Single A trick list, the video of Boomerang seems to only have 2 bounces before going into a Chain Reaction, but the text says 3 bounces. How many am I supposed to do?

A: Note that the description says three Boomerangs but the third one lands in the split bottom mount hold. So there is a total of three, but only two Boomerangs that land back on the string in the Brain Twister hold and one that lands in the split bottom mount hold.

2. Eli Hops


Q: Do the Eli Hops have to be straight up vertically from the string?

A: No but the yo-yo should be thrown upward and not horizontally.

Q: Can I do extra Eli Hops?

A: Yes, you will not be penalized for doing extra hops, however if you miss the string on the sixth hop it will be a miss so be careful.

3. Double Triple Trapeze


Q: Can I move my feet while I do the Trapezes?

A: Yes, but both feet cannot come out of the Trick Square while performing the trick.

Q: Can I rotate my body position while performing the Trapezes?

A: Yes, , but as above both feet cannot come out of the Trick Square while performing the trick.

4. Mach 5 Boing-E-Boing Mach 5


Q: What do you mean by "no string shortening somersaults allowed?"

A: That means you cannot do any extra elements following the "split bottom mount" before getting into the MACH 5 hold.

Q: How do I go "directly into a Mach 5 hold?

A: From the split bottom mount the "Free Hand" index finger passes under the yo-yo and continues over the index finger of the "Throw Hand." At that point you are in the MACH 5 hold and ready to start the three (3) MACH 5 revolutions.

Q: What if while I’m doing the 5 Boing-E-Boings the yo-yo misses a string and pops out, can I put the yo-yo back between the strings and finish the 5 Boing-E-Boings?

A: No. That would be considered as missed trick. The 5 Boing-E-Boings must be performed continuously without missing the front string or the back string.

Q: Can I do an extra MACH 5 revolution before starting the 5 Boing-E-Boings?

A: Yes, but it is highly recommended that you avoid doing the extra revolution since it will make the trick much harder to complete before the yo-yo runs out of spin.

5. Kwyjibo


Q: Does the yo-yo have to land on the string furthest from the body on the "Double or Nothing" catch?

A: No. The yo-yo may land on any of the three segments of the "Double or Nothing" and may be popped up to the trapeze catch from its position on any of the three segments. However, you may not pop or hop the yo-yo to another string prior to the pop to the trapeze.

Q; Do my hands have to be crossed before the yo-yo lands in the "wrist crossed double or nothing" hold?

A: Yes. Before the yo-yo lands on the string into the "wrist crossed double or nothing" hold, the Throw Hand must be clearly crossed over the Free Hand. (For this to be clear to the judge, the Throw Hand should be at least 3 inches (7.5 cm.) past an imaginary vertical line passing through the wrist of your Free Hand before the yo-yo lands on the string.)

6. Double Skin the Gerbil


Q: What if I miss the Lindy Loop on the flip over can I flip it over again?

A: No. That would be a miss because the object is to intentionally miss the Lindy Loop and then make it on the flip over.

7. Pop n' Fresh


Q: What is the difference between a "pop catch" and a "fresh catch?"

A: The yo-yo is caught between strings on the "pop catch" and caught on top of all the strings on the "fresh catch." Therefore, the catches must alternate from a "fresh catch" where the yo-yo is under a top string (with the segments forming a triangle) to a "pop catch" where the yo-yo is on top of the top string (with the segments forming a V.

Q: What if I do two "pop catches" or "fresh catches" in a row?

A: Both of those occurrences would constitute a missed trick since you must alternate from a "pop catch" to a "fresh catch."

Q: What if I do an extra "pop catch" before the dismount?

A: The will be OK as long as you successfully complete the looping "Skin the Cat" dismount.

8. Hop in the Bucket


Q: Do all of the three Eli type hops have to land on the same string?

A: Yes. The yo-yo must land on the center string on each of the three hops.

9. Suicide


Q: If the string segments are twisted after the first Suicide catch, can I untwist the trapeze loop before attempting the second suicide.

A: Yes. The Free Hand index finger may be twisted to remove one or more twists subject to the following conditions. The first Suicide must be caught on only the index finger of the Free Hand. The yo-yo must not be removed from the basic Trapeze hold.

10. Buddha's Fusion


Q: It seem like when I toss the yo-yo onto the throw hand to perform the "one" Pin Wheel, I have to do one and a half Pin Wheels. Is this OK?

A: Yes. The trick description calls for "one" Pin Wheel but actually it is more accurately described as one and a half Pin Wheels.